215-504-2711 [email protected]

Pregnancy chiropractic is the practice of the chiropractic art, science, and philosophy as it pertains to the care of pregnant women.

A doctor who specializes in pregnancy chiropractic should have vast personal and professional experience with pregnancy. They should also have had specialized training in the many facets of pregnancy.

It is crucial that the doctor has a firm understanding of the unique concerns of every pregnant woman and her family. Ideally, they should have some formal education and/or training in the field of prenatal care to best care for the individual needs of every pregnant woman.

I started seeing Dr. Bagnell on my 38th week of pregnancy. My back pain was gone and it was easier to take the last couple of weeks of the pregnancy. I trusted Dr Bagnell so much that I decided to take my 2 month old baby to see him, because he was colicky and gassy. After 1 visit the colic was gone! I can’t recommend him enough! Cynthia N.

 Common Symptoms Associated with Pregnancy

For more information on such training or to find a pregnancy chiropractic expert in your area, please contact Dr. Lawrence Bagnell by calling 215.504.2711 or email him at [email protected].

Pre-natal Pregnancy Lawrence Bagnell Chiropractic

Patient testimonials:

Patient had lower back fusion several years ago. Her first child was born through c-section. She wanted a natural childbirth and fought with her OB/Gyn to have one and was told that she couldn’t. Here is her result: “My son was born on 04/03/16 at 1:13 am via a all natural Vbac. I am forever thankful to Dr. Larry, if it wasn’t for him this would never have happened. Thank you Dr. Bagnell!!” –  Cami L. 

Dr. Larry, I just wanted to thank you for your great care during my pregnancy. We had a beautiful, healthy baby boy, Thomas Henry, on February 19th, 2011 at 7:14 pm. He weighed 8 lbs; 12 oz’s at birth and was 21 inches long. He’s eating and growing like a champ and already up to 9 lbs 5 oz and 21 1/2 inches! My labor and delivery were VERY quick. All in all it was only about 5 hours and true, hard labor was maybe an hour. You were right when you said that babies come quickly when you’re body is aligned correctly. I went from 5cm to fully dilated in a matter of minutes and he was delivered in 3 quick pushes, in the water. It was an amazing experience and I am very thankful to you and to the staff for helping to make it possible. I will call when things calm down a little to set up an appointment to get myself back on track. I hope you are doing well and again, thank you for your quality care!! Thanks, – J. P.

Shooting and severe hip pain first brought me to Dr. Bagnell. I had difficulty walking and sleeping. After only 3 visits I noticed improvement. I also wear glasses for astigmatism and get headaches. I finally realized after 5 or 6 weeks of care I am no longer wearing my glasses and I no longer get headaches. I would highly recommend chiropractic care to other pregnant women. – Chris N.

“My son was born on 04/03/16 at 1:13 am via a all natural VBAC. I am forever thankful to Dr. Larry, if it wasn’t Dr. Lawrence Bagnell Breech VbAC Babyfor him this would never have happened. Thank you Dr. Bagnell. – Cami