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Struggling with Infertility

This has been a long time coming… apologies that it has taken so long for me to compose:

It is difficult to adequately express my gratitude for the support and counsel that Dr. Bagnell and Katya Schade have given me over the years. I am indebted to them for their part in resolving my fertility issues.

Initially, I pursued chiropractic care to address back and neck issues. Dr. Bagnell’s approach was different—more thoughtful, comprehensive, and far more researched than I had encountered in past experiences with chiropractors. As I built trust, I began to open up to Dr. Bagnell and Katya about a variety of issues, aside from my back pain. Eventually, I discussed fertility issues (particularly my fear of undergoing invasive fertility procedures) and Katya shared her wealth of knowledge with me.

Struggling with infertility was a very emotional journey, and Katya was always a great source of warmth and compassion. She constructed a plan to help me address hormonal imbalance and encouraged me in difficult moments. Being systematic in my approach to fertility was, at times, frustrating and disheartening. I could not have endured the measured steps, or the patient waiting had it not been for the assistance, reassurance, and hope offered by Katya and Dr. Bagnell. Their knowledge of, and guidance on supplements, diagnostic testing, and holistic approaches to fertility was invaluable. I would likely still be struggling had I not asked for their help.

My encouragement to anybody contending with fertility issues would be, “Reach out! Help is available!” My strong, healthy daughter is a beautiful reminder that a beneficial, non-invasive solution to infertility is feasible.

Dr. Bagnell and Katya played a critical role in making my dream of having a child possible. – K. R. 2020

Combining healthy nutrition and chiropractic care can make a difference.