215-504-2711 [email protected]

Lyme Disease Treatments

There are a few guarantees in life, “The sun rises and sets”, “Ice is cold”, but what about Lyme disease? Some people will have problems there whole live and other do not, well I one of those that doesn’t suffer with the side effects of having contracted Lyme. What’s...

Chiropractor saved me from a c-section

Dr. Lawrence Bagnell has an open dialog with Dr. Gerald Smith about pregnancy chiropractic care and the Bagnell Breech Turning Technique, Dr. Lawrence Bagnell created and authored a book for chiropractors to learn the steps to help women all over the world. Interview...

Reduce stress and get active outdoors?

Physical Stress Reducers Outdoors Aside from being a socially distanced a way to ward off hypertension, weight gain, and a host of other health problems, forest bathing or exercise also gives your mental health a boost. “Studies have shown working outdoors may make...

21 Day Purification Testimonial

21 Day purification program client Ann H. Katya, I started Tuesday.  First two days uneventful.  Yesterday, felt like I was run over with a Mack truck.  Today, feel like I could run a marathon!  Lol. Each night I’m sleeping a little better. ...