215-504-2711 [email protected]

21 Day Purification Testimonial

21 Day purification program client Ann H. Katya, I started Tuesday.  First two days uneventful.  Yesterday, felt like I was run over with a Mack truck.  Today, feel like I could run a marathon!  Lol. Each night I’m sleeping a little better. ...
Regular Sour Cream  vs Light Sour Cream

Regular Sour Cream vs Light Sour Cream

On the left is regular sour cream, to the right, the *light sour cream. Also included are the ingredients labels for each, respectively. The short of this post is many, MANY times, choosing the whole fat, regular product, but enjoying it in limited amounts is the...

Whey Protein Complete Standard Process

Whey Pro Complete​ supports weight management, muscle tissue, immune system function, and gastrointestinal (GI) health. ● Protein supplement to increase protein intake● Supports healthy epithelial cells in the bowel● Helps promote satiety● Supports the body’s...

Cookie cutter nutrition

One size doesn’t fit all Nutritional Support   We do not look at our patients using a “cookie cutter” philosophy. There is no “one size fits all” when it comes to nutritional support.There is also a lot of misinformation in print that can be, quite frankly,...

Nutritional Assessment (computer based) tool

This well designed program uses custom algorithms based on years of clinical experience to carefully evaluate an individual’s nutritional needs, which greatly enhances the efficacy of the recommended supplements and prioritizes the patient’s support needs. Call to...