215-504-2711 [email protected]

21 Day Purification Testimonial

21 Day purification program client Ann H. Katya, I started Tuesday.  First two days uneventful.  Yesterday, felt like I was run over with a Mack truck.  Today, feel like I could run a marathon!  Lol. Each night I’m sleeping a little better. ...

Struggling with Infertility

This has been a long time coming… apologies that it has taken so long for me to compose:It is difficult to adequately express my gratitude for the support and counsel that Dr. Bagnell and Katya Schade have given me over the years. I am indebted to them for their...


The bursa is a structure that is found mostly around areas where muscle and tendons slide over joints. It is the bursa that helps lubricate these sliding motions to prevent damage to the underlying bony structures. When this action is compromised, the inflammation...